Educational Sports Developement
Our ESD (Educational Sports Development) program is dedicated to help aspiring athletes maximize their effectiveness for a particular sport.
The program consists of five levels which span between 8 to 12 weeks while increasing in complexity, as techniques are combined with foundational knowledge. Our program is aimed at building the right skills that will help trainees gain the upper hand in each sport.
Program Outline
Level 1 – Foundations – “General Prep”
The first level is focused on physical literacy and character development. The goal is to impart better knowledge of movement on all planes, including areas like balance, change of direction, coordination and more before moving onto weighted movements.
Level 2 – Muscle Development “Hypertrophy”
Level 2, consists of training movements that lead to muscle development. We will address areas of muscle imbalances with the goal of increase lean muscle mass in the appropriate areas.
Level 3 – Strength Development “Strength”
Learn the foundations strength which include proper number of reps and usage of sets.
Understand how F=MA affects your strength. How your weight and strength affect the impact you have during games.
Here we will build on proper form to move heavier weights.
Level 4 - Power Development “Power”
Level 4 is focused on "Power". This is a foundational level on developing strength using F=MA. Using basic olympic weight lifting techniques along with advanced plyometric movements for increased lifting speed.
Level 5 – Sport Specific – “Game Readiness”
The final level is a culmination of everything learned throughout the program and will specifically target the challenges of the sport.